A Tiger Made of Lightning Tracking
Today was one of the second tracking day for A Tiger Made of Lightning. The day prior consisted of all the drums being tracked. Most of the editing for the drums was done by this point, with a few things left to be tweaked. The majority of this day was bass recording. We had around five songs to get done, so there was a lot ahead of us.
After getting the bass tone dialed in, we ran into a slight issue. When loading up the second track, the bass level dropped significantly from the previous song. We ran through all the different troubleshooting steps with the pedal in the chain, changing the input and preamp altogether. In the end, we found it to be the actual wiring in the bass going bad, which was extremely unfortunate. Thankfully, there was another great bass in the studio that we were able to use for the rest of the tracks. There was only one song that we weren’t able to get to as there was a rewrite that needed to happen first. The rest of the night, however, was used to get some initial guitar recordings done, and one song was fully completed by the end of the night.